Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017


Good morning, my name is Trifonia Maryanti Ela, I was born in  Bantok, November 29 1997. I embrace thechatolic religion and my own zodiac is sagitarius. I come from senakin kabubaten Landak but now I settle in Tayan Hilir  kabupaten Sanggau, I am the first child of two brothers, I have one brother now he is sitting in the junior high school. We are both children of a farmer, yet we are proud to have both parents like them. Because they are raising us affectionately and can provide a decent education, even with the now les stable conditions.
My brother and I have a call or a favorite name from both our parents. I’m from little called OLA while my sister is called utoh, why was it so called? Because this name is a special calling dayak tribe.
      Hobby I play volly ball, by playing volly ball I hav done a sport also does not have to be done every day something to spend empty time alone.
My school history from high school to high school .
      I used elementary school in SDN 12 Engkepar the middle school on it SMPN O6 Tayan Hilir while the high school level at high school country 1 tayan hilir.
Now I studied  in economics and business university tanjungpura Pontianak. Majoring in economics course of study of economic development, to continu this education  hade to separate from my parents kadua, though without their guidance  and attention, I was confinced that I could learn to be independent. For now I live with my uncle in Siantan wich is where the Siantan famous for its jam.My uncle is my father’s younger brothers and my father who no two. My uncle aducated me with baok during my stay togheter, so did my uncle’s wife and children. During my stay with them, I felt comfortable, and never tu complain because they treat me like his own son. Why is that because my main goal is college.
      My first start to enter the faculty of economic and business, there are some obsstacles that I must face especially in economic factors.When I list and take the self- test I fell no obstacles, but when I pass the lest I fell so proud and gratefull of the many who register, one of wich can pass the test is me, but in my pleasure there is sadness , because my parents are having fight. At them time I felt devastated and desperate, no other argument  is arising from family economic factors.
Where they have to finance me in college, and on the hand they also have to finance my sister who will enter the upper secondary level sekolsh. At that time I can only cope, given the condition of poor parent, especially the income and the family needs a father who works as a rubber farmer. Finally at that time I ventured to speak to my father. The beginning of the word I say is that I passed the independent path of economic majoring in economic development study program. My dad answered how much it costs father to pay in the department you take.
      While crying I anwer money should  father spend as much as fourmillion. I knew at that time that my father did not for college this year and will wait next year.
My dad answered no matter how you got to college tuition, because my father does not want to see you despair and disappointed with this kind economic condition.
I immediately hugged my father and while thanking him for always giving me great encouragement and support for me.
     Finally I can enter the faculty of economics and business on Tanjungpura of university.

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