Senin, 02 Oktober 2017

Tugas kelompok ( Group Work)

IV. Reading discussion
Nama kelompok:
. Teguh Erwinda (B1011171136)
. Trifonia Maryanti Ela (B1011171137)
. Feredika Yeni (B1011171156)
. Teguh Ade Pagestu (B1011171141)

1. How is the college/University system in the U.S  different form the college/University system in indonesia?.
  Americans are very individuali, informal treat everbody equally regadiecs of age or position, are future based  thinkers and are devoted to competion indonesian culture is quite different, indonesian give great self sespect to order poeple and consider competion apporiate for athetics.

2. Wich one do you prefer: to decide on your major early in your  college yaer or later?
   We must choose majors  at the beginning of the years.because choosing a college. if self  students are told  that majors can help us choose a cousse it will deter mine a pesson's  career that they are directly correlated with have much money students earc.

3. What major will you choose for college and why?
  Economic and business this is a major reason why businesses are important for a country is economy
businesses are also the means bg which many poeple get their jobs.bussines crate job oppotunities because they need poeple to produce and stell their  goods and services to consumers

4. What do you think can be improved form college/University system in indonesia?
  Which is done improving the education system which in 8 national education standars are:
- comptence of graduction
- contents of education
- education process
- educators and education
- facilities and infratructure
-management or management of eduction
- financing education
- education assesment

V. Kosa Kata

1. Switch : beralih
2. Excel: unggul kursus
4.vanaty: variasi
5.Certificat : sertifikat
6. Degree : gelar
7. Reguried: wajib
8. Consists : berdiri
9. Discover : menemukan
10. Foth : kedepan

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